Timna and Hai Bar Private Tour

Old and New near Eilat – Southern Israel guided tour

Tour description

At a short distance of about half an hour drive from Eilat, we enter the Timna Park to view the most ancient copper-mines in the world, dating 10000 years back. We will see and learn some astonishing facts about the ancient miners and their culture. The Timna Valley is also known for its bizarre structures carved by the wind in the colorful sandstone, such as the “Arches”, “Mushroom” and, of course, the famous “Salomon’s Pillars”! At the Timna-Lake we will be able to explore our artistic talents by filling bottles with colored sand. After our lunch break, we will meet a member of the nearby Kibbutz Yotvata who will tell us about the special way-of-life in the Kibbutz and show us the state-of-the-art agriculture which has transformed the desert into a blooming paradise. We end the day in the Hai-Bar Nature Reserve where we will drive through the park and be able to see different animals which were mentioned in the Bible but were extinct from the area. These animals were brought from all over the world to this modern Noah’s Ark, and some of them were already successfully freed back into nature.


For more information, please contact us at +972-8-6347022 or by mail

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