Rules for a safe cross of Israel – Jordan borders

Rules for a safe cross of Israel – Jordan borders

want to move from Israel to Jordan in an easy and safe way ? the boarders are different and unique, thise guide will make some order for you !
first of all, you can always find the most updated information on the website of Israel Airports Authority. It’s always best to check there before crossing the boarder to prevent any unfortunate incidents.
There are 3 points where you can cross the boarder between Israel and Jordan :

Jordan River Cross (Sheikh Hussein)

about 10 kilometers from Beit She’an. opening hours:
sunday – Thursday – 7:00 – 20:00 BUT passengers will be admitted to the terminal to cross the boarders (on both the Israeli and the Jordenian side) until 18:30.
Friday-Saturday – 8:30-18:30 BUT passengers will be admitted to the terminal to cross the boarders (on both the Israeli and the Jordenian side) until 17:00.

Allenby Bridge cross (King Hussein)

about 5 km from Jericho, and is the closest to Amman in Jordan (about 1 hour driving).
not everyone can crooss this boarder – Israelies citizens are NOT allowed to, and it serves mainly tourists and Palestinians.
sunday-Thursday – 08:00-23:30
Friday-Saturday – 8:00 – 15:30

Yitzhak Rabin Cross (Arava)

located 5 minute from the entrance of Eilat city. most popular for Israeli crooers due to his location.
Sunday-Thursday – 06:30-20:00.
Friday-Saturday – 08:00-20:00.

Few important thing to know before crossing

  1. Israelies must leave Israel and cross the boarder with theire Israeli passport.
  2. Your passport must be vailed for at least 6 months ahed from your crossing date.
  3. The Jordenians does not allowe to enter religiouse jewish items. so to prevent this unpleasent occasion it’s better not to come with items such as Tfilin, Talit and such as.
  4. Jordenian guideq representative is must ! – if you didn’t order that kind of service for someone to wait for you on the other side of the boarderyou won’t be allowed to enter to Jordan. ordering a guide/reprasentetive is possible in our office : 08-6377022 or by e-mail : [email protected]
  5. The Golden Tip – the Jordenians are nice, plesent and polite. But it’s better to avoide any conversation with a political background or to critisize the goverment or the royalty symbols.

For more information, please contact us at +972-8-6347022 or by mail

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