Jerusalem Travel Package

Since many thousands of years ago, Jerusalem has witnessed some of the most historical moments in human existence. This is where Solomon built his temple, Jesus Christ was tormented, and Mohammed made his finishing journey. This unique and the antique city has stood as the most adored, fought-over and worshiped place in the whole world. The different inhabitants have given it a tremendously extravagant religious and cultural makeup like no other place on the planet.

Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world and acts as a holy city to three main religions of the world which are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Also known as the City of Gold, it is a remarkable and enthralling place for a vacation. While relaxing in a foreign city, one can go deeper and learn more about the mysterious history this city has to offer. This is one of those places which one needs to see it first-hand to believe everything about it. Listed below are five destinations in Jerusalem where you can visit to get a taste of its amazingness:

1. MOUNT OF OLIVES – This definitive landscape puts the whole Olden City, with the golden Dome of the Rock, exactly within your lens. You can have the best view with the morning sun when it rises right behind you.

2. MACHANEH YEHUDA – A market you should visit as you will have the chance to experience the economic system of Jerusalem. Indulge a falafel as you observe avid shoppers busy bargaining stuff through one of Jerusalem’s most exceptional produce market.

3. ISRAEL MUSEUM – A museum you must visit as it is fresh from a gigantic renewal and a definite winner with its stunning Dead Sea Scrolls, an extraordinary collection of fine art, intriguing archaeology, outdoor models, and Judaica.

4. THE OLD CITY – This is the perfect place for you to see an astonishing mixture of religions and cultures, right at the heart of Jerusalem tours. With the Holy Sepulcher, Arab bazaar, and Western Wall, it definitely has no equals anyplace in the world.

5. CITY OF DAVID – Dive underground and explore Jerusalem’s earliest relics, and paddle the 2,700-year-old water passageway that was once saved the besieged town.

With all of the above-detailed elaboration, Jerusalem is one of those rare places that merge ancient history with a lively urban city. Visiting this place will give you the trip of a lifetime. It covers everything from archaeological relics, divine landmarks and world-class food experience all in one place and leads you to the ultimate travel satisfaction.


For more information, please contact us at +972-8-6347022 or by mail

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