israel Jordan tours – Jerusalem Tour from Jordan

Jerusalem overnight tour from Amman / Dead Sea Hotels in Jordan 

Israel Jordan tours

Day 1

Israel Jordan tours Transfer from your hotel in Amman / Dead Sea to Allenby Bridge, cross the border by shuttle bus, meet the Israeli driver at the Israeli side & drive to Bethlehem where we first visit the ancient Church of the Nativity, where we can really touch the very place where Jesus was born. Built by St. Helena already in the 4th century, it has been an active church and never destroyed ever since! Here St. Hieronymus wrote the first Latin translation of the Bible – the “Volgata”  Israel Jordan tours. We shall also visit the “Milk Grotto” and the “Shepherds Fields”. Continue to Jerusalem, check in at your hotel & overnight

Day 2

After breakfast kindly store your suitcase at the hotel’s luggage room, at 08:50 AM our group tour’s guide will pick you up from the hotel, you will enter the Old City of Jerusalem through Jaffa Gate and walk through the Armenian and Jewish Quarter to the recently excavated and restored Cardo, the Roman road  Israel Jordan tours . See the Jewish Wailing Wall – the Kotel – and go on to the Christian Quarter. Walk along the Via Dolorosa and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. we advance to the New City; view the Knesset, Israel’s parliament and visit Yad Vashem, the Memorial to the Holocaust victims Israel Jordan tours. At the end of the tour, you will be collecting your luggage from your hotel and be transferred to Allenby bridge, After crossing to Jordan our Jordanian driver will transfer you back to your hotel at the Dead Sea or Amman.


For more information, please contact us at +972-8-6347022 or by mail

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